讲座 | 冷战柬埔寨与佛教的时间观及历史观

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27


Buddhist prophesies about the end of our time and the dawning of a new era tied to the enlightenment of the next Buddha have circulated widely across the Buddhist world for nearly two millennia. In Cambodia, these millenarian prophesies have also served as a powerful and pervasive response to Cold War dynamics in the 1950s and late 1960s, and later as an explanation for the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime from 1975-79. This talk draws on my current research investigating Buddhist prophesies that have inspired millenarian poetry, prose and political and religious movements in Cambodia from the colonial era to the post-Socialism of the 1990s. The talk will raise questions about how these well-known Buddhist prophesies serve as an alternative way of understanding Cold War conceptions of time and history (in contrast to US and Soviet ideas) and offer insight into the experience of ordinary people in Southeast Asia — who lived through a series of violent “hot wars” and frightening social turmoil — during the period known as the “Cold War.”

安妮·汉森/Anne Hansen

安妮·汉森(Anne Hansen),美国威斯康星麦迪逊大学历史学教授,哈佛大学历史学博士。她著有《在森林的边缘:纪念大卫·钱德勒的柬埔寨、历史和叙述文集》(At the Edge of the Forest : Essays on Cambodia, History, and Narrative in Honor of David Chandler)、《如何表现:1860-1930年殖民时期柬埔寨的和现代性》(How to Behave: Buddhism and Modernity in Colonial Cambodia, 1860–1930)等。她主要关注东南亚地区的宗教和历史,特别是冷战、殖民期间的东南亚社会。

Anne Hansen is the Professor of Southeast Asian History and Buddhist Studies at University of Wisconsin Madison, she got her Ph.D of History from Harvard University.  She is the author of books “At the Edge of the Forest: Essays on Cambodia, History, and Narrative in Honor of David Chandler” and “How to Behave: Buddhism and Modernity in Colonial Cambodia, 1860–1930”.  Her researches are mainly on the religion and history of Southeast Asia, especially the Southeast Asian society in the cold war and colonial period.

讲座语言 / Language


时间 / Time


October 26th (Thursday) 19:00-21:00

地点 / Venue


Meeting Room #201, Beizhi Building, Minzu University of China

主持人 / Moderator

龚浩群, 中央民族大学世界民族学人类学研究中心副教授

Prof. Gong Haoqun, Institute of Global Ethnology and Anthropology at Minzu University of China

主办 / Organizers



Institute of Global Ethnology and Anthropology at Minzu University of China

University of Chicago Center in Beijing


Registration is not needed

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