柬埔寨Phum Baitang酒店

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

Phum Baitang酒店坐落于暹粒市郊的繁茂田园和稻田之中,拥有45座传统木质酒店别墅,占地面积达八公顷。这栋如绿洲般的度假酒店展现了纯净的乡村美学,为来客带去真实的柬埔寨式生活体验,为来访者营造一处身临其境的休闲感受。

Spread out across eight hectares of lush gardens and rice paddy fields on the outskirts of Siem Reap, Phum Baitang is a collection of 45 wood and stilted villas inspired by traditional local architecture. Showcasing a village aesthetic, this green oasis has been imagined as an authentic experience and offers genuine Cambodian spirit in its hospitality–a truly immersive encounter.

▼酒店外貌,view of the hotel


In-house Rice Cultivation Experience

Phum Baitang酒店坐落于摇晃的稻田之中,与其栖身的场地环境相依相伴。种植在当地的Sen Kro Ob水稻,因其优良的品质和软糯的口感而名扬内外。所有Phum Baitang的来客们都可以在酒店的Bay Phsar或Hang Bay的任何一间餐厅内,品尝到柬埔寨人的当地美食,和酒店自己种植的稻米。与此同时,来客还可以与稻田亲密接触,与当地人协作,来一场播种与收获的奇幻旅程。稻谷播种从二月开始,每两月进行一次,其余几月为收获季。通过这一具有教育意义的播种体验,来客便可以亲身经历稻谷的种植与收获过程。

Designed to respect the land it sits on, Phum Baitang has a unique connection to the paddy fields that weave through the retreat. The high quality rice, Sen Kro Ob, is cultivated at the resort and is renowned for its superior taste and tenderness. Guests dining in either of Phum Baitang’s two restaurants—Bay Phsar and Hang Bay—can savour authentic Cambodian recipes with a bowl of the resort’s own rice harvest. The paddies of rice also allow for numerous authentic interactions between locals and guests, with the opportunity for visitors to experience rice planting or harvesting included in their stay. Seasonal planting starts from February and happens bimonthly while harvesting happens in the remaining months. Through this edifying experience, guests may learn directly from local farmers how the rice paddies are grown and harvested.



Green Initiatives

Phum Baitang酒店致力于可持续发展设计,自备的水处理设施为酒店旅客提供灌装于玻璃容器中的干净饮用水,并供给于整个度假区,直接杜绝了对塑料瓶装饮用水的依赖。与此同时,该酒店还用电动摆渡车代替燃油汽车来接送游客与运送行李,并鼓励来客借用自行车穿行游览于度假区之中。作为保护当地濒危物种的实际行动者,Phum Baitang酒店拥有其自己的本地农作田园,并用纯天然除虫方式减少对自然环境的危害。此外,该度假区还是水牛的栖息地。它们帮助农民犁田和维持草场平衡,而它们的粪便则可以用作耕种肥料。所有来客的衣物洗涤均采用环保和可生物降解的洗涤剂。通过独特的全绿色运营方式,Phum Baitang酒店为自己标记了可持续的居住环境标签。

▼原生态酒店环境,the natural environment

▼传统建筑形式,the traditional architecture




Stretched across the rice fields and surrounded by a luxuriant natural environment are 45 spacious villas, forming an authentic village of true Cambodian style. The traditional architecture has been ecologically built with indigenous materials and Cambodian wisdom gleaned from centuries of construction, offering guests a full cultural immersion in mystical Siem Reap. 20 villas feature private swimming pools and gardens, with the remaining 25 villas offering large terraces as stunning vantage points from which to take in the greenery. Each villa is adorned with elegant, handmade Cambodian wooden furniture, rough stone sinks and bathtubs, antiques and lantern-style lighting that only uses eco-friendly bulbs.

▼含有私人泳池和花园的别墅,villa with private garden and pool

A perfect antidote to the hustle of Siem Reap, The Spa Temple is inspired by the architecture of Angkor and will please guests seeking rejuvenation. In seven treatment rooms, a blend of Cambodian techniques and traditional products are applied to ensure ultimate relaxation. The spa experience can be prolonged in a series of additional spaces that include a sauna, hammam, fitness room, and a generous 50-metre swimming pool that overlooks paddy fields.

▼The Spa Temple提供传统柬埔寨式放松体验, the spa experience can be prolonged in a series of additional spaces

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